Dealing with Car Wrecks


My job as a lawyer is to try to help people who aren’t in a position to help themselves. Many of my clients have been badly injured in car wrecks.  These wrecks weren’t their fault and their lives are completely upended as a result.

Even if their injuries aren’t terrible, they aren’t themselves, they are hurting and they have to choose between staying home and not getting paid while they try to heal or making themselves work so they can pay their bills and taking longer to get better.

They have to take personal time to go to a doctor, they have to spend their own money to get thetreatment they need and they find out that sometimes even their family doctor won’t see them if they’ve been in a wreck. Even if he will, if they have to be referred to a specialist, many of them won’t see them. This adds insult to injury and makes their healing process worse.

They have to deal with adjustors who frankly treat them like the bad guys in this picture. Many of my clients only come to me after they’ve tried to navigate this mess on their own and got fed up with the adjustors continual rudeness.

I have helped people by taking their cases and I have helped people to get it resolved without formally taking the case.

In the end, my goal, is to help the people who come into my office. If I don’t think my formal involvement will put them in a better position, I let them know that up front and give them what aid I can informally.

If you ever need to ask a question, I am happy to help.

– Misty

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