To Peek or Not…

Just wrapped the last present, thank God for Amazon, UPS, Fed Ex and the US mail for saving this working, procrastinating, mom’s bacon, and for blessing me with a daughter who is willing and able to help get all the presents under our tree. They don’t all look great, but they are all there waiting for Christmas when, to quote a Christmas Story, my kids, nieces and nephews will “plunge into the cornucopia quivering with desire and the ecstasy of unbridled avarice.”
Hours of labor, thirty minutes of frantic activity, then it’s time to play some games. And, continuing with an honored family tradition this year, I put Bailey’s name on sealed boxes and she got to wrap some of her own presents.
Hey, don’t judge, I had to do it …I turned out ok.
Not saying I never peaked (don’t tell my mom), but what do you expect that’s some serious temptation to lay out there in front of a kid. Bailey, however, has assured me she doesn’t want to ruin her own surprise, I’m conducting an informal poll, did she peak or not?
-Misty Borland Phiffer

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